Hi! We are a community of believers in southern mid-state Delaware who meet for fellowship, teaching, and encouragement as we each try to reflect Jesus in our routine lives.
Our individual and collective goal is to live like Jesus and to apply the Bible to our modern-day lives, in much the same way as the Anabaptist forefathers did centuries ago.
Worship - The Sound of Believers Praising God
Explore the Songs we Sing and Love
We love to sing! You will find a rich variety of hymns found in our worship service, while also occasionally worshipping with newer songs and music. Each month with a 5th Sunday, we enjoy an extended time of worship in place of a sermon. No matter your musical ability, you will feel welcome to participate and join in singing and making a "joyful noise to the Lord".
Bible-centered Teaching
We believe that the Bible is God's message to mankind.
We believe that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness. We recognize that if we love God, we will keep his commandments because they are for our good, and because of this we strive to live above reproach. As a result, we endeavor for our messages to be understandable and applicable to our lives in how we think and what we do.
We value family
Parenting is hard. We're here to help.
Our History
The Church
The present Church fellowship began meeting at this location in 1954, although the history of the church building dates back to the late 1700's when the Laws Methodist Chapel was constructed on land donated by Joshua Laws. The Methodist Churched ceased to meet at this location in the early 1900's and the building remained vacant until 1954 when the Greenwood Mennonite Church purchased the building and property and began a church plant at the site. The church was legally formed and became known as Laws Mennonite Church, meeting regularly (except for a number of months in 2020 during the COVID pandemic). During the winter months of 2022-2023, the church body processed and ultimately with consensus determined to change the name to Carpenter Bridge Community Church. With roots in the Anabaptist Mennonite tradition, we continue that tradition of viewing the fellowship of believers as essential to personal faith development, that "iron sharpens iron" as we search out the scriptures, and that we are called to live a quiet, simple, and peaceable life.
The People
We believe strongly that the Church is the comprised of the people - the building is simply a place where we meet. The people of Carpenter Bridge Community Church are a blend; some older and wiser, some younger with families. Some developing in faith, others long established. We are farmers, teachers, domestic engineers, cashiers, engineers, healthcare workers, office workers, and more. Some are long-time Delaware residents, others recently relocated. We are committed to serving each other and welcoming those we have yet to meet. We'd love to get to know you!